"To develop a spiritual and worshipping Catholic Christian Community at Holy Family through our active concern for all."
Staff comprises the Parish Priest, a Pastoral Associate, and a Parish Secretary. There are many groups active within the parish whose members contribute their talents voluntarily.
Some of the Parish groups are: Sacristans, Liturgy Group, Finance Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, The Catholic Women’s League, the Novena Group, Communion Ministers, Readers, Home Communion Ministers; Choirs (2); Playgroup; Baptism Team; Sacramental Team; RCIA Team; Lenten Discussion Groups. Click here for more information....
Parish School—St Francis Xavier (SFX) The Parish School comes under the supervision (spiritual) of the Parish Priest. School and Parish cooperate in working towards to goals of the Parish Mission Statement, but the School has its own Mission Statement also.